CAMP is an International Development NGO that builds sustainable and viable community

through our projects (social enterprise, education, health care, agriculture, energy & eco-friendly)

in ‘Towerville, San Jose Del Monte city, Bulacan’ and ‘Agricultural area of ethnic group, San Jose municipality, Tarlac’.


‘Healthy and Inclusive World without Poverty’

From the Community
Our duty is to respond from the community’s needs.

With the Community
Our belief is to act together with the community.

For the Community
Our promise is to work for the community.



CAMP is an International Development NGO with Expertise on Sustainable Community Development

Sustainable Community   


We create a sustainable international development model by making sustainable and viable communities. 

Integrated Approach to Community 

We take an integrated approach to eradicate poverty,  job creation, education, and health services.

Human Rights-Based Approach to Community  


We take a human rights-based approach for higher quality of living, rather than survival.



  • Hosted the International Seminar on Civic Public Diplomacy for Women, Peace, and Security (supported by Ministry of Forign Affairs, Korea)
  • Proceeded with the “Global Young Leadership Program” for Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia (supported by Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea)
  • NatureLink(ORGA), the No. 2 Social Enterprise of CAMP, awarded with Q Asia Quality Excellent Awards of 2021 and proceeded with ISIP program training by UNDP


  • Igting established Production System for COVID-19 Prevention Goods: Cloth Face Masks & PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Suits
  • Operated Consortium Project named ‘COVID-19 Emergency Support Program for the vulnerable group in the Philippines’ (supported by KOICA)
  • Received ‘No.1 NGO Award (Tanglaw Bayani Awards 2020)’ from San Jose del Monte, Philippines & ‘Social Impact Award’ from KCOC, Korea


  • Established the Network of Towerville Resident Organization ‘TANGLAW’ and Organized the Organization of Textile Producer Coorperative & Small Merchant Seller Cooperative in Towerville, Philippines
  • Conducted the Project ‘Global Citizenship Training for Youth (The Topics : Sustainability, Health, Gender Equality, Peace and Justice, etc.) (supported by Seoul city)
  • Opened Nature Link store in Manila, Philippines


  • Conducted the Project ‘Livelihood Enhancement through Native Poultry Project for the minority tribe in the Philippines’ in San Jose municipality, Tarlac (Supported by KOICA) & CAMP launched a brand, ORGA for eco-friendly agricultural products in the Philippines
  • Organized of the BKP (Bantay Kalusugang Pam-Pamilya, Health Protector) of Towerville, Philippines
  • Conducted the Job Creation Project for Women in Urban Poor, Bulacan, Philippines (Stage 2) (supported by KOICA)


  • Published a Book ‘Smile Towerville’ and held a Book Talk Concert & also held a Colloquium ‘The last 10 years, Changes and Future of Towerville’
  • Operated the Project 2017 Eco Hope Tour (The Topics : Energy, Being Eco-friendly, Appropriate Technology)
  • Signed a MOU with San Jose del Monte municipality, Bulacan, Philippines


  • Conducted the Project for Strengthening the Regional Health Personnel Capacity Enhancement (supported by KOICA and Medical School of Seoul National University) and opened the Towerville Community Health Clinic (KLINIKOMUNIDAD) in Towerville, Bulacan
  • Held the ODA International Symposium with Topic ‘Role of Local Community for SDGs’
  • Held the first ‘REAL TALK CONCERT’ for youth of Towerville, Philippines


  • Received the Best Partner Award from the Philippine NHA (National Housing Authority) during the celebration of its 40th Anniversary & received a Plaque of Appreciation 2015 Appreciation of Civil Organizations from KOICA
  • Elected the 2nd Board of Directors (Chair : Reverend Chulyong Lee)
  • Established the Job Training Center for the Job Creation Projcet in Gaya-gaya (supported by KOICA), Oraganic Poultry House (Social Enterprise) Project (supported by Work Together Foundation) and Community Youth Leader Education Project in Towerville (supported by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation)


  • Poverty Eradication Project with Appropriate Technology in Towerville, Gaya-gaya (supported by KOICA)
  • Opened Asia Community Development Center and held a preparatory meeting of the Asia Youth Energy Forum
  • Founded the ‘Sikhay’ Cooperative in Gaya-gaya


  • Sustainable Community Project with Social Enterprise in Towerville (supported by KOICA and Hanshin University)
  • Library Project in Towerville Gaya-gaya (supported by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation)
  • Towerville sewing center developed a brand ‘Igting’ and supported elementary and high school ‘school-uniforms’ to 250 students of Towerville, Philippines


  • CAMP registered as a Non-profit Private Organization to the MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and got a membership of KCOC (Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation) and DAK (Development Alliance Korea)
  • Signed the MOU with the College of Social Work and Community Development, UP (University of Philippines)
  • Supported for Basic Health Care Service in the Migrants Area of Gayagaya, Philippines (supported by Community Chest of Korea)


  • Started Social Enterprise Project – opening ‘Igting’, Sewing Center of Social Enterprise (Work Together Foundation) in Towerville
  • Incorporated as CAMP under the MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) in Korea
  • Signed a MOU with Towerville HOA (Homeowners Association), Bulacan, Philippines and CAMP sewing center ‘sewing technical training’ signed MOU with Philippine government TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)


  • Conducted a Korea-Philippines join field survey on poverty and held a Workshop
  • Built the ZOTO Poverty Support Center in Towerville
  • Invited CAMP ASIA staffs to Korea (Sancheong Alternative Energy Center, etc.)


  • Elected the 1st CAMP Asia Board of Directors and registered as a Non-Profit Organization under the government of in the Philippines
  • Provided emergency aid to San Mateo after Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana)
  • Built the Together & Tomorrow Ⅰ Early Childhood Education Center, Manila

2006 ~ 2008   

  • Conducted a field survey on poverty last 2006 in the Philippines in preparation for establishing CAMP
  • Launched the “With News” (, a web news outlet in English on people with disabilities, women, and children in poverty
  • Signed the MOU with ZOTO, a local NGO

Started NGO (from one person)

Met Towerville (Korean and Philippine experts joined)

First step, Social Enterprise sewing center (Igting)

From Social Enterprise project to Education, Health Care, Agriculture projects

Made a model thru Social economy

Started Tanglaw project, City and Rural area win-win model




Build a viable CAMP Community

Tanglaw is a lighthouse in Tagalog. CAMP performs community development project and organized community members and try to find the different ways to viable themselves. We started ‘Tanglaw project’ which is direct participation of community members to strengthen community leadership more. We want to include all the experience of failure and success from Towerville, it will make one big community and CAMP will build strong bridge to support their viability and sustainability.


“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime”

Towerville have the lack of jobs so most of the breadwinners of family leaf Towerville and go to city for their family and home usually get cisis. CAMP privides technical training, capacity strengthening education and established social enterprise such as sewing center (Igting), Bakery center, etc. CAMP incubating them and makes a base of viable community.


Community changes  through  youth leadership education program

CAMP provides youth leadership education program so as not to give up their life and study due to poverty. CAMP supports them to grow with strong inner mentality and having challenge mind. CAMP is together with the process that children becoming healthy member of the community through our program like early childhood education center, scholarship program, library (Campo libro) programs, etc.


For the basic health right of community members

Towerville community members didn’t have even the basic health right because there is no sufficient medical facility and personnel. For a healthy community for all, CAMP constructs health system like disease prevention activities, basic health care services, the 24-Hour Emergency Transportation System, and BKP (Bantay Kalusugang Pampamilya, Family Health Watch) together with the community members and families in Towerville.


Healthy food, Healthy agiculture

(Eco-friendly Environment / Natural Environment)

CAMP makes a win-win business model which live together city and rural area, nature and human. CAMP uses eco-friendly natural circulation system to implement healthy farming methods and cultivate, distribute, and sell excellent agricultural products to create a sustainable profit model for the region and lay the foundation for self-reliance.


Practice for a sustainable life

CAMP values the energy from nature such as solar energy, rainwater, etc. and CAMP wants to share it in the lives of local residents, CAMP learns and shares with the community the process of creating a sustainable cycle through the operation of ‘Towerville regional development center’ and ‘Tarlac energy self-reliant farm’ and practices a nature-friendly life in which healthy production and consumption take place.


CAMP conducts educational projects and research activities to improve understanding of the various problem facing to the community and doesn’t stop on-site activities. In Towerville community development center, we operate education and visiting programs to open up the possibility of youthes to grow as a global social entrepreneurs. For local residents, we provide vocational technology education, health care and educational activities to improve expertise of community development field.


Towerville Sewing Center (Igting) : “Ignite” means lighting in Tagalog. Igting, the Livelihood Sewing Center is a social enterprise, established in Towerville. It represents the hope of Towerville residents who were poor and isolated and try to make a change of their lives.

Nature Link : In Towerville, it is difficult to buy healthy food. ‘Nature Link’ tries not to block receiving the nature’s health to everyone and hope that everyone will be able to live as members of a healthy society in connection of the countryside and the cities, connection of the nature and people.




CAMP provides a global citizenship education program which connected the CAMP site (Philippines) to raise responsible global citizens who understand and practice the SDGs 4.7 contents like universal values such as world peace, human rights, and cultural diversity.



CAMP’s Eco Hope Tour aims to develop innovative contents and contributes to spread of public awareness of social activities of global social innovators through mutual cooperation with social economic organizations in the fields of being eco-friendly, energy, and appropriate technology.



CAMP creates projects based on local demands. We have continued our projects by signing MOUs with local governments and various institutions. For that result, we received the Best Partner Award from the Philippine NHA (National Housing Authority). Until now, CAMP has been carrying out local/community cooperation projects as a top priority.
